Swimming pools provide many opportunities for fun and healthy activity. They can also pose a risk to people, in particular children. If you've been using a pool this summer, whether on private land or in a public facility, you need to be mindful of the risks to yourself and to your loved ones. A 2012 report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) shares data on how drowning is a leading cause of death for children between the ages of one and four, with African American and Hispanic children especially vulnerable. Along with fatal drowning, it's also possible to sustain permanent, life-altering injuries from submersion, particularly damage to the brain due to oxygen deprivation. Sometimes, people also experience "dry drowning," where they initially seem fine after emerging from underwater, but then begin to succumb to pulmonary edema from the water still in them; it's critical to keep an eye out for the symptoms, including chest pain, difficulty breath...