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A Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help In Your Quest For Justice

Birth injuries can be caused by a multitude of factors. Yet the majority of the time, such injuries are the result of medical negligence.

Obstetricians and healthcare providers make more mistakes during and immediately after the birthing process than they would care to admit.

If you have any suspicion that your obstetrician or healthcare provider is responsible for your child's birth injury, you have the legal right to pursue damages. Reach out to a birth injury lawyer today to learn more about your rights and potential compensation. Even if your case does not go to court, you could still receive a considerable sum of money by way of a settlement. However, you will not be taken seriously by the physician's attorney until you ally with a respected birth injury attorney.

Your birth injury attorney has the experience and knowledge base necessary to help you determine if you have a legitimate claim. While there are some instances in which an infant's injuries are the result of genetics or the natural course of the birthing process, physician negligence is often the true cause. If your child suffers from bone fractures, facial paralysis, Erb's palsy, brain damage, hypoxia, spinal cord injuries, fetal lacerations, caput succedaneum, perinatal asphyxia, persistent pulmonary hypertension or any other birth injury, do not assume that the obstetrician is not at fault. Meet with a birth injury attorney today to find out if it is possible that the obstetrician erred during the birthing process.

When you lean on the legal prowess of a birth injury attorney, you will be able to rest easy knowing that you have the best possible chance to obtain financial compensation. Your attorney will analyse your case in-depth and level with you regarding its merit. If your case is worth pursuing, he will embark on pre-litigation tasks like collecting evidence, gathering documents, constructing a witness and expert list and thoroughly reviewing the intricate details involved in your unique case.

Your birth injury attorney’s efforts could result in a substantial settlement offer or a favourable judgement that provides the money you need to treat your child's birth injuries. In some instances, a birth injury attorney will discuss the option of floating out a settlement offer to opposing counsel. If you agree with this tactic and it succeeds, you can avoid a lengthy legal process. These funds will cover the cost of medical care and compensate you for your emotional pain as well as that of your child.


  1. We are a full-service New York personal injury law firm in New York City area. We specialize exclusively in the field of personal injury law.


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